Travel Health

It's important that you receive the most accurate and up-to-date immunization and travel health information for the region you will be visiting. The only one qualified to provide you with this advice is your family physician or a specialist from a Travel Health clinic.

We've provided links to a number of websites that contain excellent background information related to travel health issues. Nevertheless these websites are no substitute for a personal consultation with a qualified medical professional.

Good Health Practices

The wonders of travel can often be disrupted by the annoyances of getting ill as you adjust to new climates, living conditions and cultures. For this reason, we've put together a handy guide on staying healthy while you travel.

Travel opens up a wonderful world of opportunities and experiences that you would never have a chance to appreciate by staying at home. However, with that, your body may be exposed to a wide range of bugs, viruses and other germs it may not have immunity to. Good heath practices are key to enjoying a safe and healthy tour.

Always follow the advise of your medical practitioner. Plan a visit to your local travel clinic several months prior to your trip to ensure any shots you may need have time to become effective.

While on tour, there are many things you can do to help you stay healthy, and enjoying the tour to the fullest.

What can I do?
  • Wash your hands and/or use hand sanitizer OFTEN. Think about how many common surfaces you touch in the course of a day (riding a public transit system, door handles etc) where viruses and germs can lie.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. If you blow your nose, wash your hands before touching your mouth or eyes. If you cough, wash your hands before touching your eyes or nose. If you need to rub your eyes try to wash your hands first. The key here is that it is possible to give a virus back to yourself.
  • It's okay to blow your nose. It is your body's way of cleaning debris and foreign objects (viruses and/or its byproducts) out of your system.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw your tissues away immediately. If you don't have any tissue, sneeze into your upper sleeve, not your hands.
  • Take vitamins. It is always good to take vitamins, but especially when you are sick. Whatever vitamins you take, remember to also take Vitamin 'C' as it helps strengthen your immune system.
  • Try to limit contact with people who are sick if you can. Wash your hands afterwards if you had physical contact with them (for example shaking hands).
  • Eat healthy, energizing food. Your body always needs fuel but when you're sick a lot of your bodies energy is devoted to your immune system.